Scout is a 1.5 year old beagle mix. She is about 25lbs. Scout is as friendly as they come being friendly with other dogs and cats; she likes kids, too! Scout is current on all vaccinations, spayed, microchipped, potty trained and ready for love. She is a good fit for just about any home! If you know beagles, you know they may catch a scent and run with it; fenced in yards are the best options for our hound dogs. Scout would do best with grade school aged children or have very monitored young children. Inquire today to meet this sweet girl!
More about Scout
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Does Good in the Car, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Even-tempered, Gentle, Goofy
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